Source code for emoji_data.character

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import sys
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, final

if sys.version_info < (3, 11):  # pragma: no cover
    from typing_extensions import Self
else:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import Self

from .types import BaseDictContainer
from .utils import code_point_to_regex, emoji_data_lines

__all__ = [

"""The character U+FE0E VARIATION SELECTOR-15 (VS15), used to request a text presentation for an emoji character.
(Also known as text variation selector in prior versions of this specification.)

"""The character U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16 (VS16), used to request an emoji presentation for an emoji character.
(Also known as emoji variation selector in prior versions of this specification.)

"""A sequence of the following form::

    emoji_keycap_sequence := [0-9#*] \\x{FE0F 20E3}

- These sequences are in the `emoji-sequences.txt` file listed under the type_field ``Emoji_Keycap_Sequence``

ZWJ = 0x200D
"""An emoji sequence with at least one joiner character.

REGIONAL_INDICATORS = list(range(0x1F1E6, 0x1F1FF + 1))
"""regional indicators"""

TAGS = list(range(0xE0020, 0xE007F + 1))

[docs] class EmojiCharProperty(Enum): """Emoji Character Properties character properties are available for emoji characters. See also: """ EMOJI = "Emoji" """for characters that are emoji""" EPRES = "Emoji_Presentation" """ for characters that have emoji presentation by default""" EMOD = "Emoji_Modifier" """for characters that are emoji modifiers""" EBASE = "Emoji_Modifier_Base" """for characters that can serve as a base for emoji modifiers""" ECOMP = "Emoji_Component" """for characters used in emoji sequences that normally do not appear on emoji keyboards as separate choices, such as keycap base characters or Regional_Indicator characters. All characters in emoji sequences are either Emoji or Emoji_Component. Implementations must not, however, assume that all Emoji_Component characters are also Emoji. There are some non-emoji characters that are used in various emoji sequences, such as tag characters and ZWJ. """ EXTPICT = "Extended_Pictographic" """for characters that are used to future-proof segmentation. The Extended_Pictographic characters contain all the Emoji characters except for some Emoji_Component characters. """
class MetaClass(BaseDictContainer[int, "EmojiCharacter"]): pass
[docs] @final class EmojiCharacter(metaclass=MetaClass): # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] """emoji character — A character that has the Emoji property. These characters are recommended for use as emoji. See also: """ def __init__( self, code_point: int, properties: Union[EmojiCharProperty, Iterable[EmojiCharProperty], None] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ): self._code_point = code_point self._string = chr(self._code_point) self._regex = code_point_to_regex(code_point) # self._properties: MutableSequence[EmojiCharProperty] if properties is None: self._properties = [] elif isinstance(properties, EmojiCharProperty): self._properties = [properties] elif isinstance(properties, Iterable): self._properties = list(properties) else: raise TypeError(f"{type(properties)}") # self._version = version or "" self._description = description or "" def __str__(self): return self._string def __repr__(self): return "<{} code_point={} char={!r} version={!r} description={!r}>".format( type(self).__name__, self.code_point_string, self.string, self.version, self.description ) _comment_split_regex = re.compile(r"\[\d+\]\s*\(.*\)") _initialed = False
[docs] @classmethod def initial(cls): """Initial the class Load Emoji Characters and it's properties from package data file into class internal dictionary """ if cls._initialed: return for content, comment in emoji_data_lines("emoji-data.txt"): cps, property_text = (part.strip() for part in content.split(";", 1)) cps_parts = cps.split("..", 1) property_ = EmojiCharProperty(property_text) version, description = (s.strip() for s in cls._comment_split_regex.split(comment, maxsplit=1)) for cp in range(int(cps_parts[0], 16), 1 + int(cps_parts[-1], 16)): try: inst = cls[cp] except KeyError: cls[cp] = cls(cp, property_, version, description) else: inst._add_property(property_) for cp in (TEXT_PRESENTATION_SELECTOR, EMOJI_PRESENTATION_SELECTOR, EMOJI_KEYCAP): if cp not in cls: cls[cp] = cls(cp, []) # OK! cls._initialed = True
[docs] @classmethod def release(cls): if not cls._initialed: return keys = list(cls) for k in keys: del cls[k] cls._initialed = False
[docs] @classmethod def items(cls) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, Self]]: """Returns an iterator of all code-point -> emoji-character pairs of the class""" return ((k, cls[k]) for k in cls) # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType]
[docs] @classmethod def keys(cls) -> Iterator[int]: """Returns an iterator of each emoji-character's key code-point of the class""" yield from cls
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls) -> Iterator[Self]: """Returns an iterator of all emoji-characters of the class""" return (cls[k] for k in cls) # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType]
def _add_property(self, val: EmojiCharProperty): if val not in self._properties: self._properties.append(val) @property def code_point(self) -> int: """Unicode integer value of the emoji-characters""" return self._code_point @property def code_point_string(self) -> str: """Unicode style hex string of the emoji-characters's code-point Example: ``"25FB"`` """ return f"{self._code_point:04X}" @property def properties(self) -> Sequence[EmojiCharProperty]: """Property description text of the emoji-characters""" return list(self._properties) @property def version(self) -> str: """Version of the Emoji. Example: ``E0.0``, ``E0.6``, ``E11.0`` """ return self._version @property def description(self) -> str: """Description comment of the Emoji""" return self._description @property def regex(self) -> str: """Regular express for the emoji-characters""" return self._regex @property def hex(self) -> str: """Python style hex string of the emoji-characters's code-pint Example: ``"0x25fb"`` """ return hex(self._code_point) @property def string(self) -> str: """Emoji character string""" return self._string
[docs] @classmethod def from_character(cls, c: str) -> Self: """Get :class:`EmojiCharacter` instance from a single Emoji Unicode character Args: c: Emoji character Note: ``c`` should be a **single** unicode character, that is: ``len(c) == 1``. Returns: Instance returned from the class's internal dictionary Raises: KeyError: When character not found in the class' internal dictionary """ return cls[ord(c)] # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType]
[docs] @classmethod def from_hex(cls, value: Union[int, str]) -> Self: """Get an :class:`EmojiCharacter` instance by Emoji Unicode integer value or it's hex string Args: value: Emoji Unicode, either integer value or hex string Returns: Instance returned from the class's internal dictionary Raises: KeyError: When code not found in the class' internal dictionary """ if isinstance(value, str): return cls[int(value, 16)] # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType] return cls[int(value)] # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType]